Our company's news

Poliplast took part in the ISTF expo
On December 14-16 in New Delhi took place the 4th international exhibition on protective coatings ISTF expo. Poliplast Ltd. has traditionally become a participant of this event. ISTF expo has been actively developing in recent years, becoming one of the most important annual events for specialists in surface treatment.At our booth our specialists demonstrated the manufactured products, provided consultations to the visitors and answered all the questions they were interested in. Within the framework of the exhibition we also managed to analyze the needs of the Indian market, which will allow us to form ways for further development.
A number of meetings with representatives of Indian companies were also successfully held. It was pleasant to see the interest to the products from the visitors of our booth, to meet old friends and to find new business contacts.
We would like to thank everyone who visited our booth for their interest.
See you soon next year!