Our company's news

High school students from Sebezh visited Poliplast
On May 11, 2023 on the territory of our factory a sightseeing tour for high school students of Sebezh school was held.Our guests were given a tea break, a briefing on safety rules at the factory, and videos about the company. During the tour around the factory, students were able to plunge into the subtleties of galvanic equipment production, evaluate the production capacity and see with their own eyes the manufactured products. Acquaintance with the employees of the company allowed to outline guidelines for future profession, as well as learn what are the requirements for those who wish to work in our company.
At the end of the tour, our guests received souvenirs in the form of the company logo made especially for them using one of our modern machines.
We hope that the visit to our company will help them to choose their future profession and we are grateful for their interest in our production.
We remind, that Poliplast organizes excursions for all visitors of the factory. Group excursions are available by appointment.
You can sign up for an excursion via the contacts below:
Marketing department, tel.: 8 (8112) 66-08-65, e-mail: marketing@poliplast.ru.